Golden Aspen Trees oil painting

by Becky Joy on July 6, 2011

Aspen Gold  36″x32″ oil $2800.

Click here to purchase.

Hi everyone, I finished this painting today in the studio. I started it, I think, on the 3rd. The 4th came, then very little work the next day, blah, blah, blah. Sounds like excuses or just stuck on the computer. Anyway, I finished it.

I used to paint large paintings all the time, 2 of them at 4′ x 7′. Yeah, that’s feet. I painted, I don’t know how many, lots and lots at 40″x60″. I always had enjoyed painting big, but of course, the market didn’t do real well (no surprises here). So, it was to the small painting for me, but it was two fold. I felt that I needed and wanted to step up my game and improve as an artist. The small daily paintings was a part of that.

It took about 6 months of painting in the small format before I even felt like I could do it. I wasn’t proud of the first paintings I was putting out and it was HARD for me. Anyway, as time went on I was feeling really comfortable with it and enjoying it too. You see, the most enjoyable part of painting for me is the beginning, the concept and blocking them in. The details can just be tedious to me. With the small daily paintings, I found that I could start a new one every day and relive that process much more frequently.

I find the small paintings have a more intimate feeling as I paint them and the large ones are more physical. So, both have their own attributes and fun in different ways. I will be doing some of both in the near future.

Yesterday I got an invitation to join the Daily Painters. This is a group that I have wanted to join and I’m really excited to now be a part of the group. If you haven’t seen the site, you will have to check it out.

Talk to you all tomorrow.

Becky Joy

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