The Green Door 9×12 oil plein air. click here to purchase.
This old truck was in the Escalante, UT area. I was on a painting trip with Deb Groesser when we were driving around in the middle of the day looking for subject matter to paint. We both love old vehicles and junk. She painted the shed with the tractor and junk, I went for the old pickup. It was a really, really hot, hot day with the sun beating down on us. (You get the picture.) During the middle of the day the sunlight can flatten out the landscape, so I usually try to look for an object, something more intimate to paint, like this vehicle. The shadow and light and ultimately the color are better for painting. Although for this painting I was in the sunlight, not good. When I got home and looked at the painting, I realized that my background did not give enough contrast. There was red rock behind the truck. I later simplified the background and lightened it so that the truck stands out.
The green door amongst the warm colors of the rusted body drew me to the truck. I placed some broad, confident strokes on that door so that it stands out even more than the color which is in contrast with the warm reds of the landscape.
The Lifeline of the Desert 9×12 oil plein air. To purchase click here.
This is the plein air piece that I did in Zion and used as the reference for the painting that I posted yesterday.
Becky Joy
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