The Secret Garden oil plein air painting

by Becky Joy on August 2, 2011

The Secret Garden 8×10 oil © Becky Joy $400.

click here to purchase.

I just got back my paintings from Gadsden, Alabama when I did a plein air festival down there. I was able to take some good photos of the work and tweak a couple of the paintings. Sometimes you don’t see a problem with the painting at the beginning. It takes a little time and distance (and in this case, the distance was literal) to see things you would change the second time around.


I needed to shorten the base of the pot on the right side in this painting and also darkened the value a little behind the fern fronds on the right side, which helped to make the light stand out a little more.  I didn’t want to get into this one too much because I really liked the freshness of the brushstrokes and the variety in the greens.

I’ll get some more of these paintings from this trip posted this week. I’m getting ready to take off for painting in Cheyenne, WY this next week at the Prairies to Peaks Plein Air at Deselms Gallery.

I have also been working on putting together some online workshops. I should have everything ready to go for September. I’ll let you know what is going on in a few days.

Becky Joy

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