From small to big oil landscape painting, rocks, water

by Becky Joy on January 25, 2012

I starting painting this from a plein air painting that I had several months ago. I quickly blocked it in and did some work to it. I sent off the plein air painting called, The Source” oil 9×12″, to the American Impressionist Society National Show. The painting sold right away. So, I no longer had my reference except for photos. I really wasn’t happy with the work that I did to it before. Today, I finally got back to it and realized some of the problems that I had with the painting. Since it is a larger piece than the other one, I opened the sky a little on the left side. I also had grayed some of the colors too much. I lightened the trunks of the trees, put more light into the trees and made the colors much more vibrant.  I went into the painting with much more gusto with the brush today.

Some days just feel more confident and ready to tackle anything. This was one of those days. It didn’t take too long for me to get the painting on the right track. I also find that when I’m duplicating a painting, I need to put away the original one (in this case, the photo). It’s important to look at the painting for itself. To do whatever that particular painting needs. Anyway, I feel much better about this now.

Yesterday, I  just got the news that I am invited to the Grand Canyon Plein Air in Sept 2012. So far, that is three acceptances for the new year, the Outdoor Painters Society Member show in Dallas, Telluride Plein Air and now GC.

“Rock Springs” oil 24″x30″ $2900. Click here to buy.

Becky Joy

http://artworkshopsonline. com


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