Back in the Swing

southwest desert sunset painting

Saguaro Sunset

8″ x 10″ oil on canvas panel $199. Click here to purchase.

I’ve been very bad about posting for quite some time, like two years. Very bad!

Anyway, I’ll be trying to get back up and going here. I have been posting paintings on Ebay which are older ones that have stacked up in my stash. But, what to do with the new ones….hmmm…

I haven’t been on Facebook for a long time too, about two years also. I really don’t want to go back to it and enjoy the freedom of not being hooked up to so much social media. So, I decided that I will be posting my new ones on my website and blog.

Most of the paintings that I have painted lately have been 8×10″ paintings. Although, a couple of really large ones sold recently and I will probably have to get some big ones painted again. It’s nice when the money comes in for those.

What have I been doing with my time, you might ask. Well, other arts. I’ve been learning to make jewelry and have been doing fairly well with a line of mixed metal jewelry that I’ve come up with. More about that later. And, besides still working on my house and yard, I have started working in clay. Probably none of you know that I used to play with clay. I had a kiln and wheel, but mostly did handbuilt. At some point I made the decision and decided to concentrate on painting, but I’ve always loved clay.

I’ve made carved tiles that will be installed in my utility. I’m kind of in the middle of that, so later I will post photos of my project. Also, I’ve been catching up on the wheel. It’s like riding a bike, I’m catching on fairly quick and getting up to speed. Nothing is completely done, but close.

At any rate, I do have a sunset here that I have posted on my website which is for sale for $199 which includes the postage. To go to the painting, click here.

Since I’m not doing social media, I would appreciate it if you would tell your friends about the paintings that I will be posting. I’m selling the paintings at tremendous prices for you or your friends.

Thanks and I’ll talk to you later.
