Arizona Plein Air Workshop Oct 3 – 5

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Oct 3 – 5    3 Day plein air workshop

We will start the workshop at Lost Dutchman State Park at the Superstitions at 9 am until 4.

The following 2 days we will go to different predetermined locations in the surrounding area.

We will begin with a demonstration and an overview of Plein air foundations of composition, color, values, and brushwork,

To help enhance your understanding of the foundation of painting, the afternoon and next  2 days will be intensive learning, to include demo and a lot of paint time practicing what you have learned. Instruction will include simplifying and massing, mixing and using color and values, and how to see as an artist.

Each student will receive individual attention and instruction. We will conclude the workshop with a critique and assessment of where the student is with their art and direction for continued improvement.

Beginning to intermediate

Cost: $375.  purchase button

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at


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