Category Archives: videos

How to Paint a Sunset Video

A few days ago I released a new online workshop video. I decided that I needed to put something together about sunsets. By far, it is the one thing that artists ask me about. “How do you paint your sunsets? What colors do you use? How do you get that glow?” Now, I have it Continue Reading

My Goal for Workshops New Painting Video

As some of you may know, I just started making some online workshop videos.  Above is a video explaining a little about my videos and my plan for more. I just downloaded my third video on my website. More about that tomorrow. A little background here. About  three years ago I made some ustream videos. Continue Reading

New Online Painting Workshops

I’ve been offline for a few days. We had a family crisis here, but things are going OK. Then, my computer would no longer recognize any internet. Without internet it was impossible to conduct business. So, I was out looking for a computer, the setup etc, etc. I made it through all that, but trying Continue Reading

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