desert wash painting

This week’s auction painting is something from home. The area is just north of me in the Carefree/Cavecreek area outside of Phoenix. I actually painted this yesterday, Sunday at my weekly gig, painting at the Royal Palms Resort in Phoenix. The inspiration was an old photo from about 10 years ago. Who knows, there may be a house there now.

The painting is in mostly cool colors with the warm light shining on the bare limbed tree.Those warm grays really glow against the cools.

I’ve been slowing putting some frames on the website to go with the paintings. This week’s auction now has the option to order a frame in bronze, silver or gold. They are priced at cost between $55 – $65 for 3 sizes. So, you can add the frame and hang it as soon as you take it out of the box.

As usual, the painting is also available in cards and prints. You can order a frame for your print too!

Click HERE to view the frames.

I also have the sale starting today for all my newsletter subscribers. So, you will soon get the link for that.

Talk to you all next week.   Becky

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