Lots of News and Goings-On (Is that a word?)

Morning commute sky painting

If you follow or have followed my blog, you may notice that there isn’t much in my blog. My website was badly compromised by a plugin. Things really got messed up to the point that I lost almost everything and it was down off and on for about two months. Well, part of that time was the planned addition of an auction on my website.

At any rate, it’s up and working and somewhat redesigned. As I said, an auction has been added to the site. I decided some time ago to limit my small paintings. I don’t enjoy painting 5″x7″ or even 6″x8″, but they make nice affordable paintings for people to buy. I decided to paint mostly 8″x10″ paintings and to auction one a week to my followers. The bidding will start at $200. each. I will also have prints and cards available. You will have a chance to pick up a great deal. I intended to start the auction in April, but it didn’t work out that way. Because of going to Italy in a few days, I will be waiting to start the auction with the first painting  on July 6 at 7 am. I will send out notices.

Today I started day 1 of my participation in “Where in the World is Plein Air“. It’s a three day event with 100 artists participating by painting a plein air painting each day wherever they are. Each artist makes a video introducing themselves, of the painting and the surroundings. To view my video and see the first painting, click here. While you’re there, check out the other wonderful artists.

Next up is Italy. I will be returning to teach for 10 days. Leaving in just a few days. Watch for paintings to come and a few that will be auctioned on Fleeting Moments.  To answer a few questions for you about the auction and process, click here.

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