New Online Painting Workshops

I’ve been offline for a few days. We had a family crisis here, but things are going OK. Then, my computer would no longer recognize any internet. Without internet it was impossible to conduct business. So, I was out looking for a computer, the setup etc, etc. I made it through all that, but trying to hurry getting everything done before heading out of town tomorrow for the Plein Air Artist Colorado Annual Show and then my workshop I’m teaching in Ohio. Whew. I know I’m not making up any of the extra paintings in my Project 125.

Now on to the news about my workshops. I had planned to start some online workshops in the fall, but instead I pushed up the date. The response on my book has been really great and had so many artists ask me about teaching and videos. So……I just started recording with my last couple of paintings. This is the first video of many to come.

To learn more about the lesson click the excerpt above.

This video lasts about 15 minutes and is packed with information. Watch me paint and explain to you my process, my color choices and brushwork and much more. All for $15.
Buy Now

The painting that I created in this video is the featured image. Hope you can join me in my workshops from the convenience of your home. “Aspen Grove” 6″x6″ oil is available on my website. Click here to purchase.

Off to Colorado and painting. Talk to you as soon as I can


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