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jerome arizona building painting

Jerome Hillside Home $900.

Jerome Hillside Home        oil on canvas panel

9 x 12 inches          © 2012 Becky Joy


I painted this in Jerome, Arizona. Most of the houses are on a hillside. It is up and down, an old mining town with a lot of character.

This house had the garage next to it with the overgrown plants and the “no trespassing sign” I parked across the street to paint it. When the owner of the overgrown car came home, she stopped to tell me I was in her spot. She had to park there because she had no “EB”. I thought that was maybe a special permit, since parking in Jerome can be difficult. But no, she had no emergency brakes, which certainly isn’t a good thing in the town of Jerome. But then, she didn’t look like her car would take her many places anyway. I talked to her for a bit, then she agreed to let me finish painting. As soon as I left, she moved her car. What a character she was.

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