What is Project 125
What is it?, you ask. Project 125 is about art, my travels, my painting and you. I will be traveling this summer and then traveling some more into the fall. All the while, I will be painting and painting some more. Each day for 125 days I will paint a new 6″ x 6″ painting. I will then be posting the painting on my website, social media and my newsletter for sale. My regular price on my 6″ x 6″ paintings is $200., but for these 125 paintings I will be offering them for sale to you for $125. each for the entire project.
Now, here is the deal…. You, my loyal followers will receive the paintings by RSS feed. I will then post the paintings on social media sites.Twice a month I willl send out a wrap-up of my paintings and adventures in my newsletter. I didn’t want to inundate my subscribers with the project everyday, if they are not interested. So, my solution is to have a second sign-up with an RSS feed. If you sign up with this link, you will receive each painting that I post that day. You will be the first to know and have first chance at this offer!
More about the project….. I will start my project traveling from Arizona through California and on to Oregon, camping and painting as I travel. I will be painting in Central and Northern, CA as I visit and paint with friends. Once I am in Oregon, visiting family and friends, I will continue my painting odyssey while posting my paintings and reporting my adventures. True to my nature of flying by the “seat of my pants”, I’m not sure of my exact itinerary, time table or route. We’ll find out together! I know that I will be traveling through CA, OR, NV, UT, CO, NE, NM, TX, MS, GA and LA this summer and fall. Join me on my painting adventure to see the latest works by signing up for the daily subscription.
Each painting will be posted on my blog, downloaded on my website in a special gallery, and posted on social media sites (twitter, facebook, and google+). Every two weeks a round-up newsletter will be sent out. When the paintings are sold, I will need two weeks for drying time and sometimes to find a post office or fed ex store. My computer time may be difficult, but I plan on posting everyday.
So, watch for 125 paintings for 125 days for $125. each starting Friday, June 14 and ending Thursday, Oct. 10.